There is something empowering about hitting rock bottom so many times that you become immune to the fear of failure and more determined to push through the pain hustling towards the finish line.
Author: Lara
Empowering Learners: The Unique Contributions of Trainers, Facilitators, Moderators, and Teachers in Educational Dynamics
In the domain of education and professional development, the significance and scope of the teaching role have expanded, attaining greater value and encompassing a wider and more profound meaning. In my opinion, educating someone encompasses a holistic process that not only facilitates their learning but also broadens their perceptual framework, enriching their understanding and perspective of themselves…
There Are Only 2 Ways to Live Our Life: As Victims or as Victors
There are only 2 ways to live our lives, as victims or as victors. At the cabin of control or at the trenches, because anything else is just denial and a guaranteed way to skew our journey towards fulfillment. And if we don’t understand this, we probably have not understood life yet. It is an undeniable…
What is Love
What is love? We all give love different meanings and definitions, some relational, some contextual, and some even spiritual. The meaning of love varies from one person to another and from one context to another, but most of us agree on one thing, Love is a sine qua non ingredient for a happy life, and something…
2020 Learning
Resilience, this word has never been more meaningful and at such a substantial level as it is today. The truth is that this year 2020, we have been tested in every possible way. We have been challenged to the core of our being; mentally through uncertainty, emotionally through fear, and physically through social isolation. With so…